Incoming Restructuring of Patreon Tiers.

Restructured patreon tiers will have rewards as follows:

Announcments of updates, releases etc.

Patreon 1$:
Weekly change log
Brainstorm sketches.

Patreon 5$:
All of the above and:
Access to latest build

Patreon 10$:
All of the above and:
Access to Voting Polls.
Access to Future Plans.
Access to Screenshots.

Patreon 25$:
All of the above and:
Access to Latest Weekly Build with features in development.
(Optional) Tailor your own history item in game with name and image of your choice.
After process: monthly H-scene.

Patreon 80$:
All of the above and after process:
Physical package will be shipped to you.
Package will contain:
Item: shirt, or a cup, or pendant with symbol or image from game.
Personal thank you note.


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